nnt ada award jgn lupa kasi lagi yer ...hehe
1) bagi ucapan terima kasih pada sape yang bagi award ni dan postkan award ni dalam blog masing-masing...
Tq nana!!
2) List kan tarikh lahir anak yg 1st dan seterusnya letak sekali nama anak yg ke 2,3,4....dan seterusnya(kalau ada lagi..sila berbuat demikian, ya..!!)
Our sweet princess: Damia Qistina binti Mohd Najib
DOB: 3rd Dec 2004
DOB : 26th Sept 2006
3)Sape2 yg peknen boleh letak gambar peknen ya!!..
No, Im not at the moment
4)Sila serahkan award kat sapa2 yg anda rasa hot mama..
To all hot mamas whos reading this humble blog
2nd Award

1)Thank and link the person that give u the award..
The one and only award donator to this blog ....hehehe cik nana
2) Pass this award onto 20 bloggers you've recently discovered and think are fantastic..
uuuu...20 is too much for me...pass this to all of this blog's reader
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