Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Gomennasaiii Damia!!

Sorry Damia....sorry for making ur journal book look like this!

waaa...kesian ..kene gelek..atas jalan..
all this happen when mama forgot that she put the book on the car's roof, and
dgn confidently went out to send Damia to her music class...
luckily we found the book on the way to school this morning, but yes...its already in this condition ...'mama say...sorry damia .:p


  1. lucky jumpa balik kan! tkpe sentimental value gitu ;-)

  2. kesian damia..he3. mujur jumpa kalau idak...damia bising tak?

  3. zarin: hahaha, tu la kelakar jumpa blk, seb baik tak ujan..klu tak sure dah lunyai ..nmeraung la makcik tu
    nana: mlm sblm jumpa tu, menangis2 dia, takut cikgu marah ...biler dah jumpa, takut nak bawak, dia kata tak hilan pon kotor ..sbb sy kata nnt nak bersihkan, mana nak ilang kesan tayar kete!
