Monday, April 19, 2010

Gateaway from those words

Last weekend, really felt the need for a quick gateaway from this `writing thing`, tak larat ngadap computer dah ve decided to do sumthing with the 'needle thing' plak

guess what is it..;)

my new sewing project
hehehe.. sewing completed in bout 4 hours,...and
tadaaaaa....with zero knowledge of curtain sewing ....hantam saja ..gunting ...just dun long as both pieces were in the same length with no obvious default...n most important thing...clumsy me want everything to settle quickly...1st ..becoz not a kind of patient person who can wait for long hours to see the outcome ...2nd.becoz .. i really felt guilty to spend my precious time with those work ...
thank to en suami for investing his RM50 for the material ...murah kan ..

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Ups..i did it!

what i did?
did one thing that should be done from long time ago...

to lock THAT channel...
yes....just cannot stand it anymore..
especially in the morning, when the kids dont want to move from the TV for their school, fav prog from 8am: Tom n Jerry, n their obsession continue as soon as they reach house after school...
... absolutely the best decision to make, away better than me..yelling early in the morning
THAT channel that i meant is their beloved channel 616, they do love other 61series channel, but 616 is their most beloved...
with the help of astro webpage which u can easily get from lock more 616 channel for the time being..but of course i can unlock it when ever i want ..
huahuahuahua (gaya2 gelak jahat)
guest what damia's 1st respond.........................
"Atuk tak bayar la ni!!!"
hahaha, atuk yg kene...
(still in montoring period, whether i should lock another 61 series channel, lucky now they move they interest to TVIQ..ilmiah sikit..)

Reminder: this lock locking channel works only for kid who already know how to change channel, coz they will tend to push the remote's button repeatedly until they satisfied that the channel rreally not there
if ur kid still cannot , n still rely on u to change it for them ...better stop it ..coz they would only think that the parent cheat on them by tuning to other channel

latest info: Atuk promise to 'bayar' for the 616 channel today ...will think of another brilliant answer to give them after this.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Gomennasaiii Damia!!

Sorry Damia....sorry for making ur journal book look like this!

waaa...kesian ..kene gelek..atas jalan..
all this happen when mama forgot that she put the book on the car's roof, and
dgn confidently went out to send Damia to her music class...
luckily we found the book on the way to school this morning, but yes...its already in this condition ...'mama say...sorry damia .:p

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Hot air balloon..

Pls, my fella blog readers... do accept this 'basi' entry, hehe
just had the courage to upload some of the piccas taken at the event..

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


1st award
I ve been honored again to receive an award from cik nana, tq for cheering my blog with those awards ...

nnt ada award jgn lupa kasi lagi yer ...hehe

1) bagi ucapan terima kasih pada sape yang bagi award ni dan postkan award ni dalam blog masing-masing...
Tq nana!!

2) List kan tarikh lahir anak yg 1st dan seterusnya letak sekali nama anak yg ke 2,3,4....dan seterusnya(kalau ada lagi..sila berbuat demikian, ya..!!)

Our sweet princess: Damia Qistina binti Mohd Najib

DOB: 3rd Dec 2004

Our precious prince : Danish Qasyri bin Mohd Najib

DOB : 26th Sept 2006

3)Sape2 yg peknen boleh letak gambar peknen ya!!..
No, Im not at the moment

4)Sila serahkan award kat sapa2 yg anda rasa hot mama..
To all hot mamas whos reading this humble blog

2nd Award

1)Thank and link the person that give u the award..
The one and only award donator to this blog ....hehehe cik nana
2) Pass this award onto 20 bloggers you've recently discovered and think are fantastic..
uuuu...20 is too much for me...pass this to all of this blog's reader

Friday, April 2, 2010


Al-fatihah Mio Ahmad Fuad Mior Badri (better known as Din beramboi)....
I m never a hot fan of Din beramboi ...but...
when i heard the news at about 2 am yesterday, some where in my heart suddently felt so much pain, and the tears drop ..
then i realised why ...

ever since he joined the Riuh pagi Era...i ve been listening to him almost every weekday... (after Trio-Nana, Adi n Kiran)
Highway Taiping~ Bandar Baharu is the witness of my loyalty to era fm (thou a bit frustrated after Kiran's leaving), which Pak Nil & Din beramboi also have been accompanying me, keeping me awake on that boring and straight road every morning ....there s no day that i drive in the morning without listening to them ..
he hade become apart from my routine ... fell such a lost ..the last time i listened to them was last Thursay...if only i went to campus this week, i could have still listened to him until tuesday...

these are some of his note on twitter about 2 weeks before he got admitted ..
-"@TheRealBeramboi: Tanda2 ajal mula2 bhgn kaki berasa kebas2 kemudian bransur2 ke bhgn atas hingga ke nafas dan kluar selamanya...Aku insaf!"
-He also mentioned that he want somebody to replace his place at era -
he s tired and want to do the 'ibadah' more .
(p/s: he s twitter has been deleted, luckyly i ve managed to read it yesterday)

Insaf in me also; He can call us when ever, in what ever condition He want to, Allah Almighty, make me a better person, so that i can meet you in my best of mine..

Ya Allah,
Sesungguh nya dari Engkau kami datang,
dan kepada engkau jua kami kembali...
Tempatkan lah dia dalam golongan orang2 yng ber iman ..
AL-fatihah for Mior Ahmad Fuad Mior Badri , tq for being a part of my life ..
( My deepest condolences to his family)