Thursday, May 27, 2010


say Gud bye to my school ...and hi to new school (Which we havent decided yet :D)

Today is the last day of their kinder here, we ll be moving back to SB,
mama as usuall prepared sumthings 4 their friends.
In japan its common to give some appreciation to peoples who have been accepting us in their life when we are living in some place, and i love doing that! especially when it come to creating special ideas ...
usually expressed it as 'osewa ni narimashita, arigatogozaimasu'
we are hoping that everything go as we had plan and wish ...


  1. comelnya... bear kecik2 ni semua gifts yang nak dikasi ke?

  2. lady: aah,beli bear comei2 tu.. beli chopstick, gam ..print out label tu ..taadaa ,jd la camtu,.. biasala mamanya mmg super duper excited klu ada chance buat keje2 cam ni :p

  3. Nik,
    cute sangat! suke! suke bear, tag n oso chopstick...ki3. saya tak sempat nak wat apew2 untuk TT teachers. nak buat jugak..tengok la nanti. kanak2 kat TT tu tak menentu...heheh.sibuk laaa week pon maybe ke trg lagik. ade annual event by company :)

  4. bz sokmo la cik nan lepas ni ...seb baik dina dah abis TT dia kan, klu tak, rugi jer ..bukan sempat pon nak bawak

  5. Rajin buat gifts...kalau eynda beli yg siap je :-p

  6. kak eynda: sy suka buat benda2 lagha cam ni, hahaha ... tak tido mlm pon tak pe
