I love what im doing rite now, i just love everything bout my research, but ..the fact that i still cannot complete my thesis, make me not in the love condition..waaaa..the more i write, ....the more i want to write,
i dont expect perfection, just want to present the best ..
and those jumping figures, layout here and there just driving me insane!!, pls figures dont move, stick to the place where i put u, it s not the time of jumping and hopping ... ideas ooo ideas pls come out more when the sun is out there,dont wait till midnite ...onegaiiii
let the hard works years behind be paid off before end of this year....
good luck!
ReplyDeletebtw, sy punye dah masuk..
u bile abis nie?
waaa..... yer ker ..sy blom ...ker sbb ni last skoler? sbb ikut plan habis ujung jun, tapi supervisor soh mintak extend lg 3 months, sbb takut all those procedure, borang2, viva lambat ...waaa....