Artikel ini diambil di FB Tn. Guru Dato' Dr. Haron Din.
Mengatasi Masalah Anak-Anak Yang Nakal, Degil Dan Suka Melawan Cakap Ibu Bapa
Oleh: Ibnuumar Asseluluni
Secara fitrahnya semua ibu bapa mahukan anak-anak yang menghormati ibu bapa, mentaati hukum agama, sentiasa menjauhi maksiat serta tidak terjebak dengan gejala sosial.
Pengalaman penulis di Darussyifa’ sering bertemu dengan ibu bapa yang mengadu tentang anak-anak mereka yang terjebak dengan gejala sosial seperti anak-anak yang lari dari rumah, bergaul dengan remaja yang rosak akhlak, berzina, menagih dadah, melawan ibu-bapa, kasar serta biadab dengan ibu bapa dan seumpamanya.
Ibu bapa yang datang ke Darussyifa’ ini meminta perawat mengikhtiarkan sesuatu supaya anak-anak mereka boleh dipulihkan. Di antara yang biasa dilakukan oleh perawat ialah membaca doa-doa tertentu pada air seperti Surah al-Fatihah, Doa Pelembut Hati (Surah Taha ayat 1 hingga 5), Selawat Syifa’, Selawat Tafrijiyah, Doa Menghindar Maksiat (Surah al-Mu’min ayat 3) dan beberapa doa-doa yang lain. Air yang telah dibacakan dengan doa ini diberi minum kepada anak-anak yang bermasalah ini juga dibuat bilasan mandi.
Salah satu ikhtiar yang sangat mujarab bagi mengatasi anak-anak yang suka melawan ibu-bapa ialah dengan memberi minum anak-anak ini dengan air tadahan lebihan wuduk ibu-bapa. Caranya seperti berikut;
1. Ibu dan bapa terlebih dahulu membersihkan semua anggota wuduk dengan sabun. Anggota-anggota wuduk ini termasuk yang rukun dan sunat iaitu mulut, hidung, muka, kedua tangan, kepala, kedua-dua telinga dan kaki hingga buku lali.
2. Setelah dibersihkan anggota-anggota wuduk tersebut, gunakan air minuman atau air mineral untuk mengambil wuduk.
3. Cara yang mudah, duduk di atas kerusi dan letakkan baldi di bahagian antara kedua belah kaki. Biar isteri tolong menuangkan air untuk mengambil wuduk.
4. Membasuh semua anggota wuduk tiga kali. Mulakan dengan membaca bismillah. Basuh kedua belah tapak tangan diikuti dengan berkumur-kumur, membersihkan hidung. Pastikan air yang telah digunakan untuk membasuh tapak tangan dan berkumur-kumur masuk ke dalam baldi.
5. Berniat mengambil wuduk diikuti membasuh muka, seterusnya membasuh kedua tangan hingga ke siku, menyapu sedikit air di bahagian kepala, membasuh telinga dan akhir sekali membasuh kedua belah kaki hingga ke buku lali.
6. Setelah suami selesai, isteri pula mengambil wuduk dengan cara yang sama manakala suami pula yang membantu menuangkan air.
7. Setelah selesai, air lebihan wuduk yang terkumpul di dalam baldi tersebut dicampurkan dengan air biasa.
8. Beri minum air tersebut kepada Mandikan anak-anak yang bermasalah dengan air tersebut. Insya’Allah dia akan menjadi anak yang patuh kepada kedua ibu-bapanya.
Pencegahan Awal
Daripada pengamatan penulis serta kajian yang telah dibuat, lebih 90% ibu-bapa yang datang mengadu anak mereka bermasalah, apabila diperdengarkan doa berikut, mereka kata tidak pernah pun mendengar doa ini. Doa tersebut adalah seperti berikut;
Terjemahannya: Ya Allah, jauhkan syaitan daripada kami dan jauhkan syaitan daripada anak yang akan Engkau anugerahkan kepada kami.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Guide for standard 1 registration
These are some guide to other mum out there whose going to register ur kids from 2011 and onwards. Not sure bout the previous method of registration coz this is our 1st time dealing with public school, but the PPD seems to change the method abit by adding 'online registration' in order to reduce cost and time.
1st thing to do: register online
2: print out the online registration
3: bring the print out along with some other documents to the school that u have selected
Documents needed:
1.Copy of birth cert
2. COpy of parents IC
3. Copy of Nikah certificate/divorce cert. (which applicable)
4. Original birth cert
5. 2 envolopes with RM0.50 stamp each.
6. Original copy of bil api/air or astro.
Never though before that there s so many things to be considered when deciding which is the best place for Damia. Generally we can only make application to the nearest school to the place of living, but there will always be this unsecured feeling when u are far from ur baby. Lucky we managed to register Damia to a school in SA, near to my soon becoming working place. Final step is just praying that its the best decision for her and for us
1st thing to do: register online
2: print out the online registration
3: bring the print out along with some other documents to the school that u have selected
Documents needed:
1.Copy of birth cert
2. COpy of parents IC
3. Copy of Nikah certificate/divorce cert. (which applicable)
4. Original birth cert
5. 2 envolopes with RM0.50 stamp each.
6. Original copy of bil api/air or astro.
Never though before that there s so many things to be considered when deciding which is the best place for Damia. Generally we can only make application to the nearest school to the place of living, but there will always be this unsecured feeling when u are far from ur baby. Lucky we managed to register Damia to a school in SA, near to my soon becoming working place. Final step is just praying that its the best decision for her and for us
Friday, July 2, 2010
Damia n Danish 1st day to new kindy
They have started the class after the mid term break ...alhamdullilah, their were super excited and happy with the new place except the fact that they have to get up soo early in the morning in order to get to SA by 8;15am,and mama cannot tolerate with their morning tantrum...
on the way...
damia is not happy with the way mama tied up her hair- sgt cerewet minah ni :p
on the way...
damia is not happy with the way mama tied up her hair- sgt cerewet minah ni :p
Thursday, June 10, 2010
New Kindy
Thursday, May 27, 2010
say Gud bye to my school ...and hi to new school (Which we havent decided yet :D)
Today is the last day of their kinder here, we ll be moving back to SB,
mama as usuall prepared sumthings 4 their friends.
In japan its common to give some appreciation to peoples who have been accepting us in their life when we are living in some place, and i love doing that! especially when it come to creating special ideas ...
usually expressed it as 'osewa ni narimashita, arigatogozaimasu'
we are hoping that everything go as we had plan and wish ...
mama as usuall prepared sumthings 4 their friends.
In japan its common to give some appreciation to peoples who have been accepting us in their life when we are living in some place, and i love doing that! especially when it come to creating special ideas ...
usually expressed it as 'osewa ni narimashita, arigatogozaimasu'
we are hoping that everything go as we had plan and wish ...
Monday, May 24, 2010
Our Mimi is not feeling well
Our new family member, mimi is not feeling well
already brought her to vet..
she looked ok after that, but one thing we realized.. she eat less, sometimes we have to force her to eat ...and sleep more..
or is it becoz she s trying to adapt to the new environment ....
just dun know what to do.. we actually dun have much experiences with pet ..
any one ...any suggestion
p/s: read somewhere, cat that do not eat is a dying cat ..make us double worried :( )
already brought her to vet..
she looked ok after that, but one thing we realized.. she eat less, sometimes we have to force her to eat ...and sleep more..
or is it becoz she s trying to adapt to the new environment ....
just dun know what to do.. we actually dun have much experiences with pet ..
any one ...any suggestion
p/s: read somewhere, cat that do not eat is a dying cat ..make us double worried :( )
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